Målbar cooperates with educational institutions
At Målbar, we find it very important to share our knowledge with the young generations of designers, engineers, product developers, sales people, economists, consultants and all other professions that will have a say in how the products of the future are shaped and made. If you would like us to pay your school a visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Educational institutions meeting Målbar
The Royal Danish Academy
September 2024
During a two-week intensive course called PROTOTYPING – for the Future hosted by The Royal Academy og Architecture, Design, and Conservation and BLOXHUB, Målbar’s co-founder and CEO Jakob Aaen made a presentation for the master students about LCA and energy.
The purpose of the course was to help students tackle sustainability challenges and to support them in creating design that contribute to responsible consumption in the future.

The Royal Danish Academy
September 2023
Our co-founder, Jakob Aaen, visited the Royal Academy of Architecture, Design and Conservation, where he gave a presentation on a Seminar called Designing for Circularity. The presentation was about the climate impact of different materials.
We were part of a solid line up of professionals in the area. Danish architect student and educated architects from Egypt participated in the seminar and met us with curiosity and engagement.

Aalborg University
May 2023
Our Head of Business Development, Christian Hagelskær Højlund, performed a guest lecture for the students on 4th and 6th semester of Industrial Design at Aalborg University where he presented and demonstrated our climate screening tool and its many resolutions and applications. The reactions were very positive. Professor and Ph.D. Esben Bala Skouboe, wrote to us afterwards:
Thank you so much for a wonderfully detailed and motivating presentation of Målbar (…) Obviously, this tool should be integrated to assist Civil Engineer Masters in supporting companies in their transformation towards a more sustainable future consumption.
Evidently, we are very happy and honored to be able to contribute to the education of the upcoming masterminds and we hope that we can help make the young generations feel more empowered and believe in the future.

Business Academy Aarhus
April 2023
March 2023
Now we see the point of knowing a lot about data!
This was one of the reactions Associate Professor Aksel Boje Christensen got from his students after we presented to the IT & Economics and IT & Architecture programs at Business Academy Aarhus how MÅLBAR works with data.
Furthermore, Målbar has performed a presentation for a class of marketing management students specialising in sustainability. We provided insights on the importance of data as well as insights about how to measure CO2eq correctly. We were met with a lot of enthusiasm and ambition.

Nærum Gymnasium
March 2023
Målbar had the privilege of giving a keynote speech on sustainability and climate for roughly 200 students from the German language program and students in the Design program at Nærum Gymnasium. We discussed the general concepts within the field, followed by sharing some practical tips on what each individual can do to reduce their personal impact. Finally, we talked about the importance of design in the green transition. Namely, it is essential to create products in the future that are actually needed, and that optimize the use of materials. In the end, we had questions from the audience that showed excellent insight and engagement.

Business Academy MidtVest
March 2023
Målbar went to Herning to enlighten a group of students at the Business Academy about how to measure climate impact on products, and what businesses can obtain through our screening tool. Also, we talked about how important it is to be able to distinguish between the emissions from the different life cycles of products and the materials and processes constituting them.

AAU Design Lab
February 2023
We have formed a collaboration with AAU Design Lab – AAU CREATE Department of Architecture, Design & Media Technology, more specifically, the Industrial Design program.
We are guest lecturing 4th and 6th semester students in the course Strategic Material Choice.
We discussed what sustainability is in a material context, introduced the students to the new reality with CSRD, and the importance of incorporating sustainability considerations into material selections.
It is a pleasure to share our knowledge with engaged students.

DTU Career Centre
January 2023
Målbar participated in an interesting and exciting event about the retention of international students at DTU Career Centre. We shared some of our many positive experiences and insights of having a diverse and international team.