We explain here, how our screening tool measures the CO2eq emissions of products and how you make your own calculations.
How we measure
So far, our screening tool measures only the climate impact of products. In the near future, we can measure on all 16 environmental impact categories.
Our screening tool is organised around materials. It makes the basic calculations from input on the weight of the different materials that a product consists of as well as the production location and origin of materials. Furthermore, production waste, packaging, logistics, and transport account for a significant part of the CO2eq emissions of any product.
These are the basic data that are needed to create a useful result on a product’s environmental impact. The more accurate input data, the more accurate the result will be.
Apart from measuring climate footprint on products, we are also able to make climate screenings of specific production sites. We call this onboarding of suppliers.
We do this when our customers want to make even more precise screenings on products by gaining primary data on their suppliers. Then, products from an onboarded supplier will be measured based on actual production data instead of average data.
How you measure
As a subscribing customer, you get access to the tool, so that you can make your own calculations. It might sound difficult but we assure you that the front face of our tool is user-friendly, intuitive, and can be operated by anyone.
As soon as you enter an amount of any given material, the tool will start calculating. For each material you add to your screening, a climate bar will reflect the emissions. As you provide more data on each material, the climate bar will react and will likely go down a little.
This is due to the fact that you overwrite the presumed conservative estimates. For every field that are filled out with the correct product data, the result will become accordingly accurate. This means that your primary task is to gather as much data from your suppliers as possible. And where you lack data, the tool will add conservative estimates.
This collaboration results in a relatively precise CO2eq number that can be used for benchmarking as well as point of departure for your next task: reducing your climate emissions on products.
Next level data mix
Your journey doesn’t have to end here. Målbar now offers a master tool that collects all data from all your product screenings and combines it with your sales numbers.
This enables you to access a total data overview of your screened product portfolio, and you can modulate a large amount of different data combination views and gain insights into how your impact is dispersed on a company level.
You can for example see which materials contribute the most to your climate emissions across your product portfolio, and which product families constitute the largest part of your footprint. All this can further be combined with your financial numbers.