The overall purpose with our tool is to provide businesses with a user friendly and accessible tool to calculate the total environmental impact of products.
Furthermore, it is our wish and clear request that the tool should be used in the product development phase, so that we do not only calculate on existing products but strive to lower the climate impact of new products.
Third, we want to assist companies in creating communication about their climate initiatives that live up to the legislation on the area.
Last but definitely not least, we are proud to say that our tool can support users in gathering data for a significant part of the themes enclosed in the EU legislation called CSRD, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
Being able to measure and calculate a trustworthy climate and general environmental impact on products is an increasingly important skill. A skill that for a long time has been only for the few since product life cycle analysis traditionally is very expensive and takes quite a long time. With our tool, it has become accessible for every company to take this process down to earth and actually make the calculations themselves within short time.
We have made that possible by creating a digital tool containing an immense amount of data collected from huge and trustworthy databases, and by creating the uncountable amount of coding that lies prior to and behind the front face of the tool. Thus, it can deliver results that live up to the PEF standards and laws on the area and that can be compared correctly with other product screenings of the same high PEF standard.

Green hushing, green labelling, green lighting, green rinsing, green shifting, green crowding; there are many types of green washing and some companies are reluctant to communicate about their green initiatives, because of fear of being accused of green washing. Sometimes, companies with the best intentions accidently engage in one or more of these practices.
We want to help our customers avoid that by assisting them in their communication efforts and deliver the data that can support their sustainable actions. When a company takes its core product up for reevaluation and actually makes some responsible changes, they should be able to show it and set a good example for others to be inspired by.
Additionally, we strive to pave the way for more relatable and familiarising communication across business fields about climate impact, CO2eq emissions, environmental impact categories, etc.
Our tool is not only a calculator. It is also a giant encyclopedia with transparent data on all the phases of the product life cycle. You can easily compare materials, production methods and production locations and gain insights into your own and your suppliers’ logistics.
It is possible to see how it affects the climate to store products in warehouses and retails and how different transport methods, routes, and distances influence the emissions of products. This knowledge should be used and taken into account when designing new and more responsible products for a better future.
Furthermore, there is an alternate screening function enabling users to quickly see how they can reduce emissions on already screened products.

The main goal of EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is to ensure that companies operating in the European Union are providing consistent, relevant, and reliable information about their sustainability practices.
One of the biggest changes introduced by the CSRD is the requirement to report on a wider range of sustainability issues across the entire value chain. All this on an equal level as the annual mandatory financial report.
This piece of legislation is huge and will require the targeted companies to make massive investments in obtaining new knowledge and data collection, so that they are able to meet the requirements of taking into account more than a thousand parameters within climate change, biodiversity, human rights, and much more.
This is good news, because the CSRD signals a significant shift towards more sustainable and responsible business practices in the EU. The best news is that our screening tool holds the answers to a significant part of the mandatory parameters.